RDE Research & Development
Mar 2023 - Present | DETechnologies
CFD model development of RDE using SAGE combustion and LES turbulence modelling in CONVERGE CFD
Structural analysis, and multi-physics fatigue modelling of engine combustion chamber and associated test stand
Researching hydrogen detonation, numerical simulation, and general RDE development and testing
FEA: Stress due to Maximum Pressure
Using HyperWorks and Optistruct to model the rotating detonation engine
CFD: Combustion Temperature
Using CONVERGE CFD and Paraview to model H2/O2 detonation phenomenon
Mechanical Design Lead
Sep 2021 - Jun 2023 | Paradigm Engineering
Leading a multi-disciplinary team which successfully placed second at the 2023 IGVC competition for a fully autonomous robot with differential drive, built to withstand harsh offroad conditions
Designed, built, and tested a fully autonomous robot for the 2022 IGVC competition
Validated safety and functionality of mechanical components using Ansys Mechanical, MATLAB, and MS Excel
Mechanical Design Lead - NASA Space Apps Hackathon
Oct 2021 | All Screwed Up!
Designed and validated a small mechanism in under 48 hours to separate parts without large impact using SolidWorks FEA
Wrote a technical report outlining the design and features
Integrated with electrical and software team members to better understand space requires and mounting features within the component design
Mechanical Designer
Sep 2020 - Aug 2021 | Paradigm Engineering
Developing and refining tunnel boring machine components – top twelve teams at Not-a-Boring Competition
Created original designs for TBM components using SolidWorks and created engineering production drawings